Morning Safety:
Please note that parents can not access the parking lot or school U driveway during arrival or dismissal as these must remain safe arrival zones for our school buses and small student transpo vans. Please park safety at the road and walk your child to our arrival gate where a staff will welcome them.
Thank you for your care!
Specialized Program Transportation - Morning Arrival (OSTA Vans and Special Program Vehicles) Our specialized program vans line up in the far left lane and wait for educators to complete bus offload. Once all buses arrive and are dismissed. Students in our special transport vans can safely offload and cross. |
School Buses Our Buses arrive and offload closest to the school. Once all buses have arrived and offloaded, educators then move to the far lane to offload special program vehicles. |
When you arrive after the bell (9:15am) and notice we are still offloading our specialized transportation, please choose safety and continue to park on the shoulder of the road and carefully walk your child safely to the front doors. We know your mornings are busy, but need to prioritize the safety of staff and our students who are not 1:1 with a parent/guardian. |